Thursday, July 9, 2015

"6 Things That College Taught Me, Aside from Academics"

Everyone knows that the number one reason to attend college is to get an education, but you learn so much more about life and who are as a person when you're there. And that's what I'll be talking about today. Here are the "6 Things That College Taught Me, Aside from Academics"

How to Manage My Money

"The broke college student" is a common stigma amongst college students, who work part time and go to school full time, but it doesn't have to be. Everyone's situation while in college is different but I will focus on mine. Firstly, I lived on campus and it was mandatory for me to purchase a meal plan. Both my Freshman and Sophomore year in college I ate there but then after a while I resorted to cooking in the dorm kitchen and ordering out. How is this conducive to managing your money? Well food was one of my biggest expenses. I felt like the last thing I could do was starve myself, so I didn't. I also wanted to go out and have a good time once in a while and of course I had bills that needed to be paid. At times I would find myself in a rut because money was tight. In order to combat this I would suggest creating a budget. My mother taught me how to do so when I got my first real job. Once I got my check I would calculate how much I had for the necessities, leisure, and saving. That way I was able to keep track of how much money I was able to spend so that I couldn't go broke and all of the necessities were taken care of. In college I had to do this quiet a few times because I didn't always have as much as I needed so I improvised.

Life is What You Make It

Not everyone is privileged to attend college. But once you're there, it's up to you to make the best of the experience. I know I started off not knowing anything. Most of us communicated with everyone and tried make new friends, attend all events, and get involved. It's safe to say that after my first year in college half of the incoming class was gone. Whether they transferred or dropped out is their story to tell. But I do have one story I can tell that isn't my own. One night I was over my bestfriend's dorm and we saw cop cars pulled up along side of the building. Of course we wanted to know what was going on, as did everyone else. We go down the elevator and we hear people say that someone got arrested for marijuana possession. Just that quick his "get outta the hood" scheme was over. He never came back and he never continued his education. It's unfortunate that he wasn't motivated enough to go back to school. And to this I say, know what you want and work HARD to make it happen. Sometimes thing happen that deter your plan but if you work for it your destiny will be fulfilled before you leave.

How to Empathize 

"Be nice to everyone, You never know what battle their struggling with behind closed doors." Being in college I truly believe this. I have dormed with so many different people of different race and background and culture.And no matter what kind of persona they put on, I heard a piece of each and every one of their realities. One girl had a celebrity father who sent checks but spent no quality time with her, One girl was addicted to drugs, One girl was adopted and raised by parents who took her in, and others had real life problems. I had issues of my own but I'm thankful I still had people around that loved and cared about me so I try to be that person as well, even to those I don't know. So what if they have an attitude or don't smile at me... when I smile or give them an encouraging word, it could brighten their day.

Temporary situations, Temporary Life

In the blink of an eye times 1000 someone who was once your confidant can become a stranger. Especially in college you may be close to them for two years and then drift when you start involving yourself in things that interest you, You can become busy, and just fall apart. It's life. I won't say don't get attached. But take a lot of pictures and create a lot memories so that you can never forget the good times. They always say that college years are the best years of your life. But hey maybe they won't be... maybe the next five years after that will be. It's up to you.

No Entitlement 

In high school it may have been easier to skip classes and still get decent grades. Or expect to be given something because you've done well. But the truth of the matter is you aren't owed anything for being a living, breathing human being. Everything you will ever have, you must work hard for. No matter what scale. If you slack in your academics you will fail... College taught me that I have to work for everything that I want, everything that I need. I can't expect anything from anyone. I must research, I must ask, I must do my part. 

Making Wise Decisions

For the first 18 years some 17  of our lives our parents made all of our decisions. Of course during teen years we made decisions of our own which most can say were not the best. But after college you're forced to do it on your own. Should I go to this party tonight or work on this paper? Should I go to the doctor? Nah I'm good. Should I stay out until 3 when I know I have class at 8? When you're parents aren't breathing down your neck constantly or over your shoulder yelling at you ... you become the solo author of your life. You're guaranteed to make mistakes .. please learn from them.

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