Hey WORLD !!
I know that people say that it's best to live your life to the fullest with no regrets and that's what I do. I don't ever regret something that I did, just things that I didn't do. This post will be about "Things I regret NOT doing in college."
Now that I have one more year left I began reflect on the last four years of my life. Unfortunately, I can honestly say that there are some things that I wish I did.
I should have been MORE involved.
It's not enough to go to programs and activities on campus. Be apart of them, help create and organize them. Create a group or organization and make a difference on your campus. Don't be shy! Side Note: Everyone's talented, some are passionate .. but with both? You're the perfect catch, utilize it.
How to combat: Are you interested in dance? Join the dance team! Your school doesn't have one, find a group of people who want to dance as well and create one!
I should have asked questions.
You're not expected to know everything but the number one way to gain knowledge is by asking questions. There are a lot of guidelines that I needed to follow for my particular major. Some things I was told and none of them were explained because I did not ask for an explanation. (Taking responsibility for your actions will help you improve who you are) I wish that I had asked questions so that I would have been aware of the circumstances I would have to deal with. I ended up learning the hard way, You don't have to.
I should have made a scrap book.
Everyone is so wrapped up in technology but the truth is, if that information is lost there may not be a way to get it back. To me, physical pictures are tangible and have much more meaning. Freshman year I started collecting things that I would add into my scrapbook but never got around to creating one. I can start now but I felt like it would've been more meaningful to start from the very beginning, and by the time I graduated I would have a personal "yearbook" with precious moments.
I should have done my work on time.
Honestly, there were times I was capable of getting either an A or B in a class and I didn't because I procrastinated so bad and handed in work late. Procrastination is of the devil y'all, lemme tell you. I know it is easier said than done, when you're just TIRED of school altogether.
How to combat: set a goal and be self-motivated to keep pushing to reach the goal. Whether it's a short term one like "If I finish this paper by Wednesday, I'll reward myself by going out." or a long term one like "I want dean's list" Take the necessary steps to reach it and come out of your struggle victorious.
I should have saved.
I wish I would have continuously saved money from my freshman year of college so that when I graduate I could begin life on my own, go on a vacation, buy a car, etc. I will start NOW because I have one more year left. As the saying goes, "better late than never." Praying that the statement applies here :)
How to combat: Resist the urge to spend money unnecessarily. Don't go buy fast food if there is already food in the house to eat. Instead of buying fast food buy food that will last for more than one night. Only buy clothing items when you NEED something or to treat yourself... once in a while. Not every chance you get, like me.
Hope this post was insightful to some and relatable to others. Please share if you enjoyed reading!
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